Healthcare for the Homeless Day

2017-08-16 All day

Part of what makes the Health Center Model successful is the ability to tailor programming and care for the specific needs of the community where they are located. The work of Homeless Health Center grantees is critical to ensuring access to quality primary and preventive care for homeless patients who might otherwise go without care. Consider hosting one of the following events in recognition of Homeless Health Center Day this year:

  • Community BBQ for the Homeless – work with partners in the community to collect donations to host a BBQ or breakfast for the homeless in the community. Ask your elected officials to join you in serving food and to learn about the work of the health center does to care for this patient population. Consider collecting small items for health & hygiene kits (soap, socks, tooth brushes/paste, feminine hygiene products etc) that can be given away during the event.
  • Set Up a Day Long Shower & Health Screening Station – work with partners in the community to set up a shower station for homeless patients to access along with free health screenings to help keep these important patients healthy.